Eyes are about seeing your own life, so if your eyes are irritated perhaps you r irritated with what's currently in your life? Louise Hay's new thought pattern is "I now create a life I love to look at." I like that, it has such a peaceful, hopeful feel to it.I love Louise Hay; her beauty and insight. What a lovely thought. And how wise.
I now create a life I love to look at is becoming a mantra for me; it resonates. I am guiding my life with this as a tool.
I am developing the habit of periodically checking and asking myself, Am I creating a life I love to look at? Sometimes the answer is that I am off-course, and that I need to change direction slightly, or drastically as the situation demands. And I make the adjustment, and I sail off again in the right direction. The more frequently I do this, the smaller the necessary alteration.
I'm sniffing all the neighborhood roses now. Some of the scents are amazing!