
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Going nuts

I am getting antsy with the kids and me in his apartment. I know it's hard on everyone but I have no bedroom - no way to unplug. I feel trapped. A physical angst that pervades me right now. This physical closeness, no space to hang laundry, no support from X, who seems to have forgotten that he has children. He offers to take them every once in a while, but sees no need to cook for them, put them to bed, or do their laundry. He works, dines out and sometimes is here.

I know I am not being fair - I am ascribing intentions and motivations I have no way of possibly being privy to. I can't know what he's thinking and it's not my business anyway; the thoughts and intentions of others are outside of my control.

And so what if he is hiding out? He had his nice bachelor pad and we all moved in, with our baggage and our energy, our voices and our smells. He too is probably overwhelmed and exhausted.

I forgive him as I forgive myself. We are all part of the same humanity. One energy system links us all.